A marketing campaign created for Billings LIFE™ to welcome new subscribers/followers to the community and teach women how to use the Billings Ovulation Method© to take control of their own fertility journey.

The below features a welcome email and 3 Instagram carousels.

Software used: MailChimp, Squarespace and Canva

Welcome to the Billings LIFE™ community.

This is a safe space to feel empowered to learn about your body’s fertility, take control of your family planning, or prevent pregnancy.

The Billings Ovulation Method© is a natural method of fertility management. It teaches you to recognise your body’s natural sign of fertility.

Forget about drugs and devices, this method follows four simple rules for the four phases of the menstrual cycle, to prevent pregnancy.

Avoid intercourse on days of heavy menstrual bleeding.


Bleeding could mask the presence of mucus which indicates fertility.

In a short cycle fertility may begin before bleeding has finished.


You can have intercourse on alternate evenings of your Basic Infertile Pattern (BIP).

Why wait till evening?

You need to be upright and moving around for a few hours for the mucus to flow down to where you can become aware of it at the vulva.

Why alternate evenings?

Because the day after sex you may feel damp and see a discharge of seminal fluid.

The seminal fluid can mask a change in the mucus pattern.


When there is a change from your BIP, wait and see.

A change from BIP indicates potential fertility.

Waiting without intercourse allows you to observe whether this change results in a Peak or return to BIP.


Peak Rule.

The Peak rule is applied once the peak of fertility has been recognised.

You may have intercourse at any time from the beginning o the fourth day after the Peak, until your next period.
